Why no Climate Change index?

The COVID-19 pandemic made clear how important it is to have government policies guided by up-to-date science.

Almost immediately, dashboards were available to policy makers and the public. This transparency:

  • kept people informed of essential data
  • helped people understand any compromises that had to be made in their lives
  • held governments accountable for their responses

We have known about the existential threat of climate change for decades. The key data is out there, yet it remains hidden inside layers of scientific reports and behind casual media coverage.

This is an astonishing omission.

CutXpercent provides simple access to a dashboard of numbers that the worlds' most eminent scientists think should be widely known.

Support CutXpercent.

Spread the numbers!

Seen the numbers? Understood the science? Good start! For real change to happen, we now need your action! Together we can collectively create awareness, to hold our governments to account and ultimately embed the numbers into our democratic system. Spread the CutXpercent numbers!


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