Greta put words on it.

Here are the numbers.

CutXpercent is an annually updated set of figures that shows what is required to meet the objective of the Paris Agreement. It provides the required annual emissions reductions for the 1.5°C target and the 2°C target, for every nation in the world. This is what it all comes down to.

Everyone has the Right to Know these numbers.

We demand laws that respect science.

A systemic problem requires a systemic solution.

Every nation has a different responsibility.


  • Why are all climate pledges so difficult to understand?
  • Why are no climate commitments based on the remaining carbon budget?
  • Why do we accept such foggy media coverage of the climate crisis?
  • How can we hold governments to account without a standard measure?
  • Where else can you get a truly independent, clear view of the state we are in?



We need to create global awareness and understanding of this vital data. Support #cutXpercent. With your endorsement or action.


The basic principles behind the numbers

CutXpercent is rooted in the remaining global carbon budget for both 1.5°C and 2°C heating. This budget must define all climate commitments.

How else can we measure if our policies are good enough?

This budget is then divided per capita, because we all have an equal right to the atmosphere above our heads.

Then after grouping everyone by nation, four common sense principles are applied:

  • the calculations do not include unproven carbon capture technology.
  • the calculations are be based on consumption, not territorial emissions.
  • the calculations do not include dangerous overshoot.
  • the emissions reductions needed start from now and continue at that rate.


Prof. Kevin Anderson
Professor of Energy and Climate Change
& former Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Emphatic endorsements 

The science and the data behind cutXpercent come from OnlyOneEarth.science.

"OnlyOneEarth.science is an important contribution to the United Nations 75th Anniversary Initiative''

(Fabrizio Hochschild, the Secretary General's Special Advisor on the preparations for the Commemoration of the United Nations' 75th Anniversary). 

The scientists listed below are among other eminent scientists that have reviewed and support the public communication of this existential UN science presented by OnlyOneEarth.science.

Dr Jim Skea (Chair IPCC) 

Dr Jian Liu (Chief Scientist UNEP), 

Dr Pavel Kabat (Chief Scientist WMO), 

Dr Soumya Swaminathan (Chief Scientist WHO), 

Dr Youba Sokona (Vice Chair IPCC), 

Dr Janez Potocnik (Co Chair IRP), 

Dr Shamila Nair-Bedouelle (Director General Science UNESCO), 

Dr Guido Schmidt-Traub (Executive Director UNSDSN), 

Dr Elizabeth Mrema (Executive Secretary CBD), 

Dr Stefan Swartling Peterson (Director Health UNICEF) 


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latest climate science!

Both the numbers and the human response to the crisis are always on the move. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular scientific and philosophical input on the state we are in.

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This platform provides climate leaders and students with the vital statistics behind climate change.

It enables everyone to take action and demand laws that are informed by reality.

CutXpercent is grounded on the authoritative research of OnlyOneEarth.science.

These crucial numbers are carried into the public space by students through demonstrations, media, journalism and events.

The core group of students advocating for the Right to Know this reality are members of the Climate Academy, founded by Philosophy teacher and author, Matthew Pye.

We strongly believe that citizens need to demand systemic change, not simply engage in individual actions.

We have laws to protect us from all kinds of dangers, from theft and violence, from toxic gas leaks and to toxic pizzas… why do we not have a law to protect us from the collapse of the ecosystems that all our lives are rooted in?  

We invite people to join in our call for a focused, holistic response to the crisis.

The Numbers

Discover your nation's carbon emissions percentage needed to globally stay below a 1.5°C and 2°C temperature rise target.

The Academy

The Climate Academy provides students with a systemic understanding of the crisis. It then empowers students into the democratic space through projects with real systemic leverage.

The Science

How does CutXpercent work? Check out the science behind the CutXpercent numbers. Courtesy of Homo Sapiens Foundation.


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